The global view on the water and waste water sector.
Since 150 years gwf Wasser/ Abwasser is the leading magazine for the German water and waste water sector. With this experience WATER SOLUTIONS is the leading international magazine for water and waste water technologies.
Trust the authority from the editorial team with the highest reputation.
Water Solutions is the leading technical and scientific journal for water management and wastewater technologies, hydrogeology, water reuse and rainwater harvesting, storage and distribution of water, treatment of wastewater.
Water Solutions reports on the process engineering for water treatment, wastewater purification and sludge treatment, on developments in analysis, metrology and control technology, on hygiene and microbiology and operational experiences, common concerens of water protection from the perspective of water use and wastewater disposal as well as on judical subjects and economic concerns.
Main part with refered scientific articles.
Practice part containing news about global markets, news from industry and practice, news about rules and standards as well as research and development.
Target Group:
Water suppliers, sewage companies, consulting engineers and industry, goverments, NGo’s
Freqency: quaterly
Circulation: 6.000 print - 4.000 digital